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Author:  stam [ Tue Sep 13, 2005 4:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Stronghold *CONTAINS SPOILERS*

Reviewed by: Joe , from UK

I purchased this game as a liker of stradegy/simulation games. The game was about what i expected, although the game was not as complex as i hoped it would be nor as fun.

The problem with the game is that it lacks an real economic development. You only build the neccisites of a castle, and nothing else. I did like the many variety of units to build and the little "quirks" everyone had depending on the type of peasent, though.

The game play was not great, nor not the worst i've played. The combat is not very realistic, as infantry can destroy castle walls? Not likely. Also, there is very little tactics in the game other than moving your guys in the right places and thats about it. What i did like about the game was the moat building (alhtough i thought filling it in rather than trying to go across it, just really slowly, is stupid). The archery was fairly realstic, but the catapults took down the walls way to easily. Just not a whole lot of stategy other than getting a lot of guys quickly and attacking.

Graphics were ok, nothing great, nothing horrible.

The sound i did enjoy quite well. It put me in the mood and it changed during battle.

Me Mate did this as well

Reviewed by: Frankie , from UK

A realistic castle sim, simplified enough to cover all aspects of medieval war and life, without compromising too much. Decent graphics, good (sometimes great) sound. A must for chaps looking out for something different from the usual RTS fare.

Pretty realistic. 'Soft' targets like archers and spearmen go down VERY quickly if not behind fortifications. Units behind fortifications can be nearly impossible to hit. Siege weapons can fling diseases cows, spearmen can shove ladders off walls, moats ca be filled. To have soldiers you don't do something lame like 1. click on barracks 2. click on icon 3. watch a people come out of nowhere (do they have cloning technology in there or something?). Nope. You have to create weapons from resources (done at various workshops), and conscript the soldiers from your peasant populace, who move into hovels UNDER THE RIGHT CONDITIONS. Traps (eg attack dogs) and all make sieges wonderful to watch, and strategically (I mean STRATEGICALLY in the true sense of the word) placed towers and pitch ditches can be used by a even handful of archers (with flaming arrows) to make mincemeat out of their opponents. There are only 3 problems: archers have no ammo concerns, stone walls can be smashed by infantry too quickly, and buildings go up instantly, but I suppose I didn't say the game was simplified for nothing. Anyway, you can't build structures too close to the enemy, and when there's a siege going on and enemies are everywhere, you can hardly build. The economic side of the game makes it more comprehensive, like the sim it is, and the economic missions, while boring at times, are an interesting addition.

The units look fine, even if the graphics are 2D. I never complain about graphics. The views are fine, if a bit clunky, but everything looks pretty good on the whole.

Appropriate medieval music that changes to suit the mood, really funny British voices. I personally like it when [***SPOILERS AHEAD***] Pig goes MWUAHAHAHA, or when the Rat whines away (how pathetic). Fine quality, and enough variety to suit most people, even better for those who don't care too much about these things.


[size=9:1258817c43][color=darkred:1258817c43]*Con Edit* Added spoiler to title, plz do this when post contains spoilers *Con Edit*[/color:1258817c43][/size:1258817c43]

Author:  Skillers [ Tue Sep 13, 2005 4:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yeah, this game rocked! dunno why con put SPOILERS into the title, but I didn't read it all. that is a rule, though, if you post a "spoiler" (something that may ruin the game for others), put "*SPOILERS*" in the title.

I think I nearly finished it, IIRC, i got to the part where you had to go through the Pigs castle for a second time, though I do not like those sort of levels.

Author:  DHR-107 [ Wed Sep 14, 2005 9:11 am ]
Post subject: 

Stronghold is a **** game! It has no Story line and is really strange. You get to blow up cows and stuff!

Author:  Skillers [ Wed Sep 14, 2005 1:04 pm ]
Post subject: 

That's the mini-game! The real game is similar to age of empires, though you don't buy soldiers, they are produced automatically (you have to build the buildings for the economy, and citizens will pick up swords to become soldiers etc.).

Author:  Si [ Wed Sep 14, 2005 4:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sounds interesting. Now, let me look at eBay.

Author:  Skillers [ Wed Sep 14, 2005 4:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

It's a really good game, though I think you can buy it for about a fiver on white label or whatever it's called.

Author:  stam [ Wed Sep 14, 2005 5:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

yer and its not just fighting you have to sustain an economy and u buy torture devices (which i personally find cool) to keep your people in line


Bring on the guilotine!!!!!!!!!!

blood everywher!!! YES!!!

Author:  Skillers [ Wed Sep 14, 2005 5:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

Oh yeah, that bit is fun! Piece of advice, the good stuff is better, though less fun.

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