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Top Gun (Admin)
Top Gun (Admin)
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Joined: Mon Sep 12, 2005 6:48 am
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Steam Login Name: Skillers1990
As discussed previously here, these are the new signature rules, now in force (I cba to rewrite, but this should be clear enough);

I wrote:
Have a maximum sig height of (roughly - text reasons to be explained) 150px inclusive of all components. Keep the maximum sig image width at 600px, and no multiple images on the same row that go beyond this size. Text would be allowed to go all the way across.

Now, consider text of size 100% (the forum works in percents) is ~20px tall, with other sizes being fairly easy to work out (just times by the percent for their size). Font styles do not greatly affect the size and size 200 is the greatest allowed in sigs. If the text wraps (goes to a newline without an enter in between), it would be judged in length on a ~1000 width window. This gives approximately half the signature space of a 1600 width window (full screen on a standard 22" TFT), so 4 lines of solid text on there would become 8 as far as the rules are concerned.

This would mean you could have any one of;
  • 8 lines of standard size text.
  • 4 lines of size 200 text.
  • A single 600x150 image.
  • Two 300x150 images placed side by side.
  • Two 600x75 images placed above each other.
  • A 600x100 image, 3 lines of text.
  • A 600x100 image, small xfire thing and 1 line of text.
  • A quote with 6 lines of text contained (A quote box takes up about 2 lines/40px of extra space).
I'm sure you get the idea by now, judging the size of the sig should be fairly easy. Maximum image size limits would be placed by software and should NOT be circumvented.

These rules would have no leniency as they would be perfectly fair for everyone. Breaking of the rule could be dealt with by an admin placing the signature in a spoiler box and informing the person that they need to change their signature.

Note that the maximum size of images is 150px, the "roughly" bit only applies because of text. The forum enforcer has been changed to reflect the new rules.

I was getting bored of this sig, and I realised I actually prefer small sigs ><
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Sat Dec 05, 2009 4:59 pm 
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