Feedback/Complaint System

In an aim to make things more fair around Techious, to make everyones thoughts heard and known and to anonmously (to an extent*) complain about members/staff as to what should be done.

To fill in some feedback please type in the box below. This text will then only be sent to Si and stored in the database (without your username).

* Only your IP address is stored but that is by apache when you load any page anyway. For those who want some gurantee that it is anonomous, let's put it this way. I am not storing your username in the database because I don't want to know who you are. I don't want to be accused of being unfair by de-anonomising your data so I do not store it. There. Nice and fair. Right, to the posting box (for those that are curious, its just a modified shoutbox from the dash).